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Unbiased engineering
analysis and solutions to the construction, insurance, and legal communities

Dombrowski Forensic Engineers, P.A., specializes and focuses on solutions to construction related problems.  We evaluate failed, damaged, and distressed construction and, when necessary, develop and coordinate engineered solutions.

Successful completion of construction projects requires coordination of multiple trades that use myriads of different materials and component assemblies.  Despite the best efforts of very talented and capable professionals and tradesmen, issues occasionally develop.

Sometimes problems arise during construction. We work with our clients and their project teams to identify the issues, formulate corrective actions, and mitigate impacts to schedules and costs.

  • Grout under steel column base plates is cracked.
    Why isn’t the material performing as expected?  
  • A section of shoring collapses.  
    Why did the accident occur?
    What steps are necessary to resume construction?  
  • A carpenter falls from the top of a concrete masonry wall while he was setting wood roof trusses.
    Were any OSHA standards violated?  

These are the types of questions we answer.


When problems appear within a few years after the construction is completed, we work with our clients to help them understand and separate perceived problems from actual problems, and identify who might have contributed to a particular situation.  

Our team of professionals apply their technical knowledge and experience to provide tenable answers to clients’ questions.

  • Is it reasonable to expect a conventional stucco finish be crack-free? 
  • Who was responsible for the work that allows a window to leak during a brief rain shower? 
  • Where is the source of water intrusion in a masonry wall without windows? 
  • Is the extent of deterioration and the amount of damage that is claimed from an issue of water intrusion through a building wall consistent with the location of leaks and the quantity of water that entered? 
  • What is the cost to repair damages? 

Occasionally, buildings in service for many years experience distress, sometimes of a catastrophic nature. 

  • Why did the living room floor of a house built circa 1923 settle 4-inches last week? 
  • Why did the roof of a 15-year old building collapse? 
  • Were there signs warning of an impending failure? 
  • Is it economically feasible to repair the structure and return it to service?

Dombrowski Forensic Engineers provides unbiased engineering evaluations.  We base our evaluations on information gathered from onsite observations of existing field conditions, physical tests of components and assemblies, reviews of available construction documents, interviews with contractors and subcontractors, and whatever else we can get our hands on. 

We apply fundamental principles of engineering analysis to provide unbiased evaluations and rational answers to our clients’ questions, offering the tools to make informed and considered decisions.